Wake up Experiences

Don’t believe anything, experiment for yourself.

Transformative experiences for self-knowledge and personal development based on play and creative exploration. Choose your own path of growth… we are not here to suffer!

#1: Experiences to Live Well in Death

Improve your relationship with your own and other people’s death.

Wake up Experience offers you this tour of 5 experiences to:

  • Losing the fear of death
  • Finding reasons to live
  • Learning to accompany in the final processes of life
For inspiration, you can start with the video of Mínica Esgueva.

The 5 experiences

Experience 1

Blah blah blah

Experience 2

Blah blah blah

Experience 3

Blah blah blah

Experience 4

Blah blah blah

Experience 5

Blah blah blah



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